dimecres, 25 de juny del 2014

Alone in bad company.

With regard to the topic raised at Poetry Jam this week, I would like to share one of my favourite quotes:

"If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company."
- Jean-Paul Sartre. 


This week's prompt at Poetry Jam is aloneThere's a saying in Spanish: "más vale solo que mal acompañado", which means it's better to be alone than in bad company. I wrote about how, although at first it may seem more attractive to avoid being alone and one does so at any price, loneliness is in the end much more comforting than bad companies or false friends.

I'm walking on tiptoes across warm sand
I'm dancing slow to the sound of my cry
But you come to take my hand
And loneliness waves goodbye

A bright new day seems to dawn
Stars have fallen off the sky
But no one knows where they've gone
And loneliness waves goodbye

But deep down I know she's still there
She's such a treacherous mistress
She will quietly from above stare
My sweet descent into hell she will witness

And when I least expect her to appear
She will guide me again through the night
And though her coldness makes me fear
I know she's kinder than any blinding light

diumenge, 22 de juny del 2014


The prompt this week at Poetry Jam is bridges. The topic of this poem is the lack of the strength to go on living as a consequence of having little or nothing to live for. But in the end one decides this attitude must radically change. In order to do that, one has to cross the bridge, which is something really difficult. What lays on the other side of the bridge represents the unattainable, the unreachable: the strength to go on.

I see you standing on the other side
Just the shadow of what I should be
Teasing me, laughing at me - no light
Just the shadow of what I could be

I see you standing in the wrong place
The place I can't seem to reach
But in the distance I can see your face
Still through our long open breach

You see me standing
But never waiting
For you to come and rescue me
Instead I cross the bridge

dimecres, 4 de juny del 2014


This week’s prompt at Poetry Jam is the moon. The moon is to me the symbol of loneliness in the good sense of the word, that is to say, it represents a being that, in spite of being alone, doesn’t stop shining. Loneliness isn’t to it – or her, as mentioned in the poem – an obstacle or a reason to fade, but a motivation to keep being as powerful, beautiful and bright as it (she) always has been. Regardless of how many years, centuries, even millennia, she spends alone; she’ll always keep letting her light shine.

Higher and higher she flies
Hung on such sinister skies
And all on her own

Not a single word does she say
She quietly stares at us play
And all on her own

And she owns a mirror on earth
Where she can admire her worth
Because she’s all on her own

So elegantly dressed in white
Everyone suspicious of her dark side
To her surrended even the ocean tides
And that’s why she’s so lonesome

But don’t you dare slide
Never let the black skies around you
Say your beauty you must hide

Don’t you dare fade away
Never stop shaking poets around you
And dwell dreamer’s minds night and day

dilluns, 2 de juny del 2014


The prompt this week at Poetry Jam is age, aging, aged… I wrote about how it feels when time goes by far too quick, when you can’t catch up with it but you’re expected to fulfill some socially held demands according to how old you are, no matter how you feel about it - worried, overwhelmed, not ready yet…

This is the first time I post a poem of mine, so I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it.

I’ve always seen myself as a drifter
In search of a place to hide
From you, my most feared whisper
That I had to finally give in to life

You always ran faster than I could
And unlike you I went so slow
That I couldn’t heal my old wound
In the hands of such merciless foe

But in escaping I saw no light
For clocks would never stop
So I found myself lost in your night
In the twilight of my childish hope

And you’re so cruel to me
Pushing me to blindly fly
Through a violent breeze
In a never-ending grey sky

And I should be able to survive
But there’s not much hope to hold
When it’s freezing outside
And I’m wearing no coat