dilluns, 2 de juny del 2014


The prompt this week at Poetry Jam is age, aging, aged… I wrote about how it feels when time goes by far too quick, when you can’t catch up with it but you’re expected to fulfill some socially held demands according to how old you are, no matter how you feel about it - worried, overwhelmed, not ready yet…

This is the first time I post a poem of mine, so I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it.

I’ve always seen myself as a drifter
In search of a place to hide
From you, my most feared whisper
That I had to finally give in to life

You always ran faster than I could
And unlike you I went so slow
That I couldn’t heal my old wound
In the hands of such merciless foe

But in escaping I saw no light
For clocks would never stop
So I found myself lost in your night
In the twilight of my childish hope

And you’re so cruel to me
Pushing me to blindly fly
Through a violent breeze
In a never-ending grey sky

And I should be able to survive
But there’s not much hope to hold
When it’s freezing outside
And I’m wearing no coat

6 comentaris:

  1. time does go so quick...pushing us on faster and faster, its a wonder we keep our feet...and we can feel so unprepared in the moment...

  2. It does indeed... It's sometimes very hard to assume certain responsibilities inherent to adulthood. Thanks for reading and commenting, Brian!

  3. I enjoyed reading this whole poem, but those last two lines were especially striking. They had quite a dramatic effect. A nice response to the prompt. So glad you posted this!

    1. Thank you very much for your opinion, Mary Ann! I'm glad you liked it!

  4. Time is so relentless and I am afraid it never gets any better. Enjoyed reading this and am glad you posted here at Poetry Jam. Come around earlier in the week next time so more people get a chance to visit! Welcome.
