dilluns, 14 de juliol del 2014


The prompt this week at Poetry Jam is an impossible place. Perhaps a little late, but here's my contribution to this lovely topic.

The message is simple: this expresses the longing for a world where love, magic, truth and optimism reign and displace hate, pessimism and falseness.

An impossible place
Is that without harms
That among charms
That in your arms

An impossible place
Is that in no rush
That without blush
That in a peaceful hush

An impossible place
Is that where I'm not shy
That where sparks always fly
That where hate dies

An impossible place
What does it mean to you?
To me, an impossible place
Is that where love rings true

18 comentaris:

  1. So very true, I think. You have described a most beautiful 'impossible place.'

    (And you are linked in over at Poetry Jam as well. My mistake! You were not late.)

    1. Thanks for your comment and for linking me in, Mary! It's a shame this place is impossible, isn't it?

  2. the first verse is endearing...in their arms where there is no harm....
    and i could go for a place where hate dies, any day....

    1. The first verse is my favourite one too. And yes, I keep wondering where that place hides and why... Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Brian!

  3. wonderful thoughts and sweet rhythm make the place all the more beautiful and desirable... :)

  4. A charming write - love the last line. Smiles.

  5. Hopefully that place is not impossible. Well said.

  6. The closing para says it all.....beautiful!!

  7. Love is a beautiful place...this is lovely. :-)

  8. Gorgeous! And a very nice flow of words, almost a song. Hopefully, these impossible places may be reality some day. :-)

    1. Thank you very much, Sara! I'm glad you liked it. I also hope they will!

  9. Even though it is an impossible place now, I do hope the world will keep working toward being a place like this. Thanks for posting. Sorry I am so late in reading!!
