divendres, 4 de juliol del 2014


The prompt this week at Poetry Jam is thirst. If I'm honest, I was completely out of inspiration. I've been thinking for about two days, turning it over in my mind night and day: "thirst... what can I write about? what does this word tell me?". And I finally came up with this: I was thirsty for inspiration.

And that's what my poem is about: lack of inspiration, creativity or maybe just lack of ability to express anarchic, messed-up thoughts. I beg words to come back and rescue me, bring me my inspiration back... But in the end it's not the words that save me, it's not the words that inspire me. It's something else.

I retain today
Thirsty thoughts
That need words
To be allayed

"Quench my thirst!"
To them I would cry
On that lonely night
When droughts cursed

Inspiration was dry:
"Rush out, be my relief
And make me relive"

But, wordless, it died
Until you emersed
And slaked my thirst

31 comentaris:

  1. an exercise that i always use to get me going if i cant find the words is to go outside/or go somewhere...a coffee shop...close your eyes and just listen...and then try to capture the scene as best you can in your words...

    1. Thank you for your advice, Brian! I really appreciate it and I'll give it a try the next time I feel I'm stuck.

  2. Ah, I am also out of inspiration right now, so I can empathize with you here. I think we all go through these dry periods when we THIRST for some kind of inspiration to spring forth from our mind & often wait in vain. But then again, just like a sudden storm in the night, something emerges and 'our thirst is slaked' once more. Thanks for sharing with Poetry Jam!

    1. Thank you very much for your comment, Mary! I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way, it's somewhat comforting. I hope you find your source of inspiration soon!

  3. I can most certainly relate to this... great take on the prompt.

    1. Wow, it seems like everyone goes through this at some point. Thanks for reading and commenting, Laurie!

  4. you've beautifully expressed that thirst for words and i think everyone could relate to that...

  5. so true that every one experiences this loss of inspiration..but you have come out as a winner here..very nice:)

  6. All the poems I wrote last week were hard for me to write. I felt very dry and had no idea what I wanted to write about nor how I could phrase my thoughts. Nice that your own lack of inspiration turned into a poem.

    1. I hope your thirst has already been quenched, Gabriella! Feeling this way is not nice... Thanks a lot for stopping by and commenting!

  7. This is full of thirst and makes me feel the desperation. I love the emotion and the craving.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment, Alan! I'm glad I could convey these feelings to you.

  8. Great take--looks like your inspiration found you!

  9. Baudelaire was right. A poet has giant wings...getting them to work is the challenge:)

    1. Indeed! Baudelaire was right in so so many things... Thank you for reading and commenting, Rallentanda!

  10. Inspiration was dry:
    "Rush out, be my relief
    And make me relive"

    how true...the thoughts need to be released to get relief and to relive
    wonderful reading!

  11. I can so relate to your experience ~ What I do is read a lot of poems and other writings to inspire me ~ I even write a response or borrow a line to get me going ~ Nice to meet you ~

    1. Great advice, Grace. I'll take it into account and put it into practice the next time I'm out of inspiration. Thank you very much for reading and for your comment!

  12. Wonderful poem! Writer's block and unblocking by that special person! :-)

    1. You realised who the "you" in my poem is! I guess this could be somehow a love poem... Thank you, Nicholas!

  13. What a great take on the prompt! I have the same thing happen, often. I'll think of your poem and be inspired! Thank you for the kind words and visit to my blog. Hope to see more of you at PJ :-)

    1. Thank you very much, Sara! I'm glad my lack of inspiration will inspire you - what a paradox! I enjoyed your poem a lot, btw. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  14. Very well played for no inspiration.

    Thanks for coming by.

  15. I often feel like this and you captured the emotion to a T. Thanks for visiting me Mrs M.

    I also like that you live somewhere over the rainbow. It is a land where Immortality lives, I feel. Someday I hope to live among the rainbows and the joy as well.

    Thanks for sharing your words with us!

    1. Thanks a lot, Anne! Thank you for visiting me as well. Indeed, living somewhere over the rainbow makes one feel great, away from the world. And again, thank you!
